Ricky Anderson

Principal: Ricky A. Anderson Ed.D. email:
Principal's Message:
Greetings Cabazon Family!
Welcome back! I am so excited to start our new school year. I am extremely thrilled to work alongside our DINO-mite staff, students, and parents.
I am proud of all the hard work that we did last year and the amazing growth shown by our students. We will continue to focus on our school initiatives (PBIS and AVID) this coming school year. Our school is going to have a college and career focus with students learning about education beyond elementary. I look forward to making a memorable year with you and look for your support. We have 3 new staff members who will be joining us this year. Renee Miller will teach first grade, Sabrina Navarro will be our new instructional aide, and Kirsten Carlson will be our new assistant principal.
Thank you again for making Cabazon Elementary one of the best schools and a fantastic place to work and learn.
Ricky A. Anderson Ed.D.
Cabazon Elementary Principal